Articles on: Follow / Unfollow



Everything you need to know about how to follow and unfollow with PosherVA

Following is an important tool for Poshmark™ sellers! With PosherVA, you can automate following to follow other Poshers daily and grow your account.

With PosherVA, you can automate daily following and target following with customized settings. 👌🏽

If you don’t want to automate following, you can also do rounds of bulk following at any time- or schedule them!

Here is how to do automated following. If you’d like to do occasional following, see below:

Automated Following is the best way to maximize sales and grow your Poshmark™ account. 🔥

Did you know that PosherVA also has return following, where you can follow your new followers back? Learn more here.

An Overview of the Follow Tab:

The follow tab has the new, automated following feature as well as the “Old Follow Mode.” Learn more below

🆕 Automated Following

Automated following is the number of closets to automatically follow daily.

You can also do target following to follow fresh closets or Poshers who have just joined.

You can also automatically unfollow daily.

Plus, you can schedule the hours you would like the following to occur between.

Learn more about settings and best practices below 👇🏽

Automated Following Settings

Auto follow closets daily

Set the daily follow limit. Do not exceed 6k. Learn more here.

If you do not select which type of closets to follow, PosherVA will randomly go to various follower lists and mass-follow.

Follow Fresh Closets

This will follow closets from the “Fresh Closet” list

This list is produced by Poshmark™ and it includes brand-new closets and closets that were formerly inactive but recently reactivated. Enter any number (in consideration of the numbers you enter above or below and the 6k daily limit).

Follow Just Joined Closets

This will follow brand-new closets. This is a requirement to meet Ambassador requirements. Enter any number (in consideration of the numbers you enter above and the 6k daily limit).

Auto Unfollow Daily

This will unfollow closets from your following list.

The action is performed from top-to-bottom and does not provide any benefit to sales.

Schedule Following

Schedule the hours during which you would like the following to occur.

The following will be performed as established in the settings during the hours entered here.

Plus, with the Auto Activity Returner, you can automatically follow Poshers who follow you. Learn more here.

Old Follow Mode 👵🏼

The old follow mode is not automated. You can use this mode if you would like to engage in a single round of bulk following.

Here is the old method of following with PosherVA:

Follow from Page refers to the current page you’re on, where you can enter the number of follows.

You can also do target following to follow fresh closets or Poshers who have just joined.

You can also unfollow in bulk

Under options, you can enter a daily limit. Learn more about limits here.

The old follow mode is to engage in bulk following in a single action. If you would like to automate daily following, see above.

Don’t forget, you can also use the context menu on the extension to quickly engage in rounds of follow.

For example, you could go to another Posher’s closet and follow their followers, follow who they are following, or both quickly right from the context menu.

To learn about how to use PosherVA’s Activity Returners to follow back Poshers who follow you, click here.

Updated on: 10/26/2023

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