Sending Bulk Offers
Sending Bulk Offers
Everything you need to know about how to send bulk offers to likers (OTL) with PosherVA.
Get ready to ship some orders! With PosherVA’s Bulk Offer feature, you’ll make more sales than ever. 🔥
Sending OTL is one of the best ways to make sales! PosherVA sends bulk offers with custom settings that allow you to personalize the offer price, customize shipping discounts, and exclude items by a variety of characteristics.
With PosherVA, you establish offer settings to customize your offer preferences to maximize your sales while maintaining control of your profit.
With PosherVA, you can establish bulk offer settings to offer the maximum discount on some items, without hurting your profit on others. The level of customization is one of the many things that makes PosherVA better than Poshmark™ Bulk Tools. 🔥
Sending Bulk Offers to Likers with PosherVA:
On the Actions tab, select send bulk offers.
Note: The bulk offer feature is for a single round of bulk offers. If you would like to send automatic offers after each like, use Automatic OTL.
⚠️ Before you start sending offers, note that a buyer will not receive your offer unless it is the best offer (the lowest price) you have sent that buyer within 90 days.
Your offer refers to the percent off the listing price to offer.
Shipping offer is the mandatory shipping discount to accompany OTL. The buyer will pay the price listed (and you pay the rest).
Subset of items refers to if you would like to send offers on all items or only certain items. Check out how to do that here.
Minimum net earnings is the minimum you want to earn (after Posh fees and the shipping discount). PosherVA will skip items that don’t meet your minimum.
You can also exclude items by recency, condition, or even URL.
Learn more about settings and best practices below👇🏽
Sending Offers to Likers on Poshmark
Sending offers to likers is a great way to make sales! In fact, most sales on Poshmark™ happen via OTL.
Visit your closet insights on the Poshmark™ app to see which percentage of your sales come from offers to likers. We bet it is most all of them!
PosherVA has two main tools to send offers to likers:
Automatic OTL: automatically sending offers to likers with each new like. Learn more here.
Sending Bulk Offers: completing a round of bulk offers.
The best way to maximize profit is to use both of these tools collaboratively to drive sales; by using Automatic OTL to send instant offers to each new liker, and to also send bulk offers occasionally with a more aggressive discount.
For example, you might have Automatic OTL sent to each liker with a 15% discount, but send bulk offers once a week with a 25% discount. 🎯
PosherVA Bulk Offer Settings
Your Offer
This is the percent off of your listing price that you will offer to likers.
Remember: Poshmark™ requires you to offer at least 10% off to send an offer. Also, remember that a buyer does not receive an offer if it is not the best (lowest) offer you have sent to that buyer in 90 days.
If you use the Automatic OTL feature to send instant offers to each new liker, you will use the Bulk Offer tool more sporadically, and at a higher percentage than you have established for Automatic OTL so be sure each liker is notified of your offer.
Tip: The higher discount you offer, the more likely you are to male sales. See below how you can exclude items, allowing you to offer the most on some items while protecting your profit through exclusions and settings.
Shipping Offer
This is the shipping discount that will accompany your bulk offers.
Remember: Poshmark™ requires you to include a shipping discount with each offer.
Note that the values are the amount that the buyer will pay for shipping:
So, if you select to charge $4.99 to the buyer, you will pay $2.98.
Subset of Items
This refers to which items you would like to send bulk offers for.
Select all to send offers on all active items in your closet
To send offers on only certain items (by category or brand), filter your closet accordingly to show just the items you would like to send offers on. Then, select subset from page to send offers on just those items. Check out how to do that here.
To send offers on recently liked listings from the likes tab in your notification newsfeed, select from newsfeed.
Minimum Net Earnings
This is the minimum you want to earn. PosherVA will skip sending offers on items that would not yield enough profit to make your minimum.
To be clear, minimum earnings refer to the least amount you are willing to profit. PosherVA takes the listing price, subtracts the discount offer, substracts the shipping offer, and substracts what the Posh sale fee would be if the offer is accepted. If this final value does not meet the value you have entered as your minimum, no offers will be sent on that item.
Exclude Items Listed In The Last Days
This setting enables you to exclude newly-listed items from bulk offers. If you enter a value; no offers will be sent on items listed within the number of days you enter.
If you enter 0 days, no listings will be excluded by recency. If you enter 7, no offers will be sent on items you have listed in the last 7 days.
Exclude Items By Condition
This setting enables you to exclude items by condition. If you select NWT and/or Boutique, no offers will be sent on those items.
If you don’t want to exclude items by condition, don’t check either box.
Exclude Items On the “Automatic OTL Exclude List”
This setting enables you to exclude specific listings by URL.
If you add an item to your exclude list, PosherVA will never send any offers on that item.
If you want to exclude specific items, go to the Actions tab > Automatic OTL > Exclude Items by URL. Here, you can add items by URL to exclude from Automatic OTL.
Then, under Send Bulk Offers, you can exclude items from that list from bulk offers, too.
Why exclude items from bulk offers?
Many Poshers won’t exclude any items. But this tool provides you with more control over your profit. If you want to send aggressive offers on the rest of your closet, you can exclude items you do not want to include.
You might exclude consignment items, mystery boxes, highly valuable items, or anything that you don’t want PosherVA to send offers on.
To learn about how to send automatic offers to likers after each new like, click here.
Updated on: 10/25/2023
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