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Uninstall the extension

Uninstall / Remove the extension

Please note: If you have a paid subscription to PosherVA, uninstalling the extension will not automatically cancel the subscription. Learn how to cancel your subscription here.

To uninstall the PosherVA extension do next steps:

Find the extension's icon on the Chrome toolbar. This is usually located near the top right corner of your browser.
Right-Click on the PosherVA Extension Icon.
From the dropdown menu that appears, select the 'Remove from Chrome...' option.
A confirmation dialog will pop up, asking if you're sure you want to remove the extension. Confirm by clicking 'Remove'.

Uninstall the extension

If you don't see the extension icon directly on the toolbar, it might be hidden under the puzzle-shaped "Extensions" icon. Click on this puzzle icon to view all your extensions and find the one you want to remove.

Remove from Chrome

Updated on: 10/16/2023

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