Articles on: Getting Started

Start here to get started with the recommended setup

Getting Started with PosherVA

Welcome to PosherVA! We're excited to help you automate your Poshmark activities and boost your sales. Here's a guide to get you started with our key features:

1. Sharing Your Closet

Sharing is crucial for visibility on Poshmark. With PosherVA, you have two main options:

a) Immediate Sharing: Click "Start" on the Share tab to instantly begin sharing your entire closet. The PosherVA will share your closet once from start to end.

b) Scheduled Sharing: Set up multiple daily schedules to share your closet automatically. We recommend starting with multiple schedules spread throughout the day, focusing on peak Poshmark usage times (morning, lunchtime, and evening). Example of setup for a different size of closet here -> [LINK]

To set up a schedule:
Go to the Share tab
Configure your sharing preferences (e.g., type of sharing, source of items, sharing speed, etc.)
Click "Schedule" and set your desired time, save it.
Repeat for additional schedules

Important: Each schedule you create will save and use the specific share options you've chosen. This means you can have different schedules with different sharing preferences, allowing you to customize your sharing strategy throughout the day.

Share to Followers & Parties ↗️
Schedule Sharing ↗️

2. Automatic Offers to Likers (OTL)

Automatic OTL is a powerful tool to convert likers into buyers quickly.

To set up:
Go to the Actions tab
Select "Automatic OTL"
Configure your offer settings (e.g., offer delay, discount percentage)
Save your settings and "Enable" it.

- Instantly engage interested buyers
- Increase your chances of making a sale while the item is fresh in the liker's mind

Automatic OTL ↗️

3. Activity Returner

Activate the Activity Returner to automatically return shares and follows. This helps build community engagement and can increase your visibility.

To activate:
Go to the Actions tab
Select "Auto Activity Returner"
Configure your settings for returning shares and follows
Save your settings and click Run to start.

Activity Returner ↗️

4. Bulk Offers

Use Bulk Offers a few times a week to send additional offers to likers. This complements your Automatic OTL strategy.

To send Bulk Offers:
Go to the Actions tab
Select "Send Bulk Offers"
Configure your offer settings
Click "Start"

Pro Tip: Consider using the "Offer Waterfall" method - start with a smaller discount in Automatic OTL, then use Bulk Offers to send more aggressive discounts to those who didn't purchase initially.

Sending Bulk Offers ↗️

5. Auto-Follow

Increase your closet's engagement by using the Auto-Follow feature:

Go to the Follow tab
Set your daily follow limit (we recommend starting with 3000-5000 per day)
Configure target following options (e.g., fresh closets, just joined)
Save your settings

Following ↗️

6. Relisting Stale Items

Relisting is an excellent way to refresh your closet and increase visibility for items that haven't sold. PosherVA's Relist feature makes this process quick and easy.

To use the Relist feature:
Go to the Actions tab
Select "Relist"
Configure your relist settings:
- Set a daily relist limit (we recommend no more than 150 per day)
- Choose to relist items by age (e.g., items listed more than 30 days ago)
- Decide if you want to raise prices on relisted items
Click "Start" to begin relisting, or "Schedule" to set up automatic relisting

The PosherVA will automatically create a new listing based on the original, fill in all details, and then delete the original listing.

Benefits of Relisting:
- Brings old listings back to the top of search results
- Allows you to update pricing strategy
- Can attract new likers and potential buyers

Pro Tip: Consider relisting items that have been in your closet for 30-60 days without selling. This can give them a fresh start and potentially attract new interest.

Relisting ↗️

By utilizing these key features, you'll be well on your way to maximizing your Poshmark success with PosherVA. Keep an eye on your email for more tips and tricks in the coming days!

Frequently Asked Questions

➡️ Does my computer have to be on and active all time?

Certainly! Here's the revised answer incorporating your suggestion:

Yes, your computer needs to be on and not in sleep mode in order for PosherVA to perform tasks. This is because the PosherVA extension operates on your computer. When the computer goes to sleep, it stops all programs, including the PosherVA extension.

However, this doesn't mean you need to keep your computer on 24/7. You can turn it off when you need to, and once the computer is back online, PosherVA will resume its work. This flexibility allows you to use your computer normally while still taking advantage of PosherVA's automated features.

For best results when you want PosherVA to run, it's recommended that you:

Disable sleep mode on your computer. Check out how to do that here.
Keep your laptop open (but you can turn off the display).

If you need help disabling sleep mode or with other options, please don't hesitate to contact us.

➡️ Does the Poshmark closet need to be displayed?

No, the Poshmark closet does not need to be displayed for PosherVA to work. The extension works in the browser's background mode. You don't need to open Poshmark or keep the tab open for sharing to start and to continue while it is running.

➡️ I clicked Start, that started, but after some time the status became idle and stayed that way. Why did that stop?

By default, when you click "Start", PosherVA will share your entire closet once from beginning to end. After completing this single round of sharing, it will stop and the status will become idle. If you want PosherVA to keep sharing your closet multiple times consecutively, you need to enable the "Continuous sharing" mode in the share settings. Another recommended way is to set up multiple schedules to share your closet multiple times, more details here.

➡️ How many shares should I do daily?

Unfortunately, you can't share unlimitedly on Poshmark. As far as we know, the safe Poshmark share limit is around 8,000. Sometimes, you can share up to 10,000 items, but we've noticed that if you consistently share around 10,000 daily, you might face Poshmark share restrictions (also known as Share Jail) for a few hours. After that, you will be able to share again.

The sharing limit depends on the age of your closet and how long you have been an active seller. For experienced sellers with a closet that is a few years old, we recommend sharing around 8000 items. For newer, smaller closets, the limit is lower, around 4000-6000 shares. This includes all types of shares (self-shares, community shares, etc.).

➡️ How many times I should share my closet?

The number of times to share the entire closet depends on how many items you have for sale. For example, if you have 200 items for sale, you can share the closet around 40 times a day. You can calculate this by dividing the share limit by the number of items for sale: 8000 / 200 = 40 times.

➡️ What is the best time to share my closet?

We have analyzed millions of sales events on Poshmark and have observed that sales occur throughout the day. However, we have noticed two peaks: one in the morning from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and another in the evening from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. (Pacific time). Therefore, it would be beneficial to focus on sharing more during these peak times. It's also important to remain active throughout the day, but keep in mind to reserve some shares for the evening due to limits.

Poshmark sales trend by hour, Pacific Time.

✨ With the next update, the PosherVA will automatically schedule all shares and spread them at the best time. Stay updated.

Find more FAQs here ➡️

Updated on: 09/13/2024

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